Monday, May 25, 2015

Less than 24 hours....

We have packed, re-packed, and it is all lined up by the door. Tomorrow morning at 4:45, we will leave for the airport and arrive in Dallas around 9:30am. From there, we board our Hong Kong flight and fly for 15-16 hours! I keep getting different answers whenever I ask how long that flight is...but frankly, anything over 12 hours and it just doesn't matter, does it? It is a LONG trip.

If you've wondered what luggage for six looks like, see below... minus John Henry's. He is still packing. :(

I have snacks, books, activities and Advil...I may share some of it with the kids if they are nice.

Today, my mother is pulling out all the stops for us. She has cooked and baked and cleaned and invited all the family to come to lunch, then dessert and even supper see us off. My dear friend Davida made us some amazing cinnamon rolls for breakfast today, so I won't have to cook all day today. Seriously, we would have just starved...I refuse to buy more groceries and I also refuse to go out to eat, since we will be spending the next two weeks at least eating out. So, I am grateful we will have food and my fridge and pantry got cleaned out.

The plans for the next two weeks are to get to Hong Kong and stay in a hotel. We have an appointment on Tuesday first with a relocation agent to help us get our ID cards, open a bank account, and visit the FedEx office for Steve's final paperwork. Then we will spend a couple hours with a real estate agent to look at apartments. We have also been scheduled to spend another couple hours with him Wednesday morning "if we need it". So hopefully, this means it won't take too long to find a place!! We've given them some listings we found online as a guide, so I'm really praying we find a place big enough for our family.

The next couple weeks will be exciting and stressful, so I kept saying two things all week..."this will NOT be as stressful as having a child in the hospital". And "getting mad about that won't help. Let's just do it". So with those mantras...I go to Hong Kong.

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